Personal/Consumer Loans

Dreaming of renovating your home or a buying a new car? NRL is happy to assist with a selection of consumer loans designed to fit your needs. Enjoy affordable lending options with a NRL Consumer loan at competitive interest rates andĀ favourableĀ terms.

You can borrow funds to:
  • Purchase vacant land
  • Buy a vehicle
  • Pay Education Tuition
  • Renovate your Home
  • Take a Vacation
  • Pay Medical Expenses
  • Meet other personal expenses
  • Low down payment
  • Competitive interest rates tied to NRL Prime rate
  • Up to seven (7) years to repay
Required Documents:
  • Your valid passport
  • Your NIB card
  • A letter from your employer and your most recent salary slip
  • Copies of recent bank statements (if you are a self-employed customer)

Amortisation Calculator

Amortisation Table


House Price


Down Payment


Monthly Payment


No of years


Stop dreaming and start driving!

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